圣地亚哥展出美国风景绘画杜兰德50幅绘画和雕塑作品(图) 2008-03-29 23:06:48 来源:99艺术网/刘珍 点击:

圣地亚哥美术馆邀请观众观看在2月举办的3个非常激动人心的展览,主要聚焦地区、国家以及国际的艺术品展览,展览持续到2008年4月27日。志趣相投:阿舍·布朗·杜兰德和美国风光,共有美国著名风光画艺术家阿舍·布朗·杜兰德(Asher B. Durand)的50幅绘画和雕塑作品。杜兰德是哈德逊河学校创始人之一,他也创造了美国19世纪最美丽的风光作品,观众们可以欣赏到画家动人的诗歌样的田园牧场风光。

2月份稍候举办的展览“印度的旋律:鲍斯(Nandalal Bose,1882~1966)的艺术”是博物馆与印度政府以及新德里印度国立当代艺术画廊共同合作举办的,将近100件由印度画家、孟加拉派代表当代印度艺术之父,是惟一深受圣雄甘地资助的艺术家鲍斯的作品。这也是首次鲍斯的作品离开亚洲的展览。

Asher B. Durand, White Mountain Scenery, Franconia Notch, New Hampshire, 1857
Oil on canvas, 48 1/4 x 71 1/2 in. (122.6 x 181.6 cm). The New-York Historical Society Museum, The Robert L. Stuart Collection, Stuart-105.

Asher B. Durand and the American Landscape at The San Diego Museum of Art
SAN DIEGO, CA.- The San Diego Museum of Art invites visitors to view three exciting new exhibitions

opening in February featuring significant regional, national, and international art.

Running through April 27, 2008, Kindred Spirits: Asher B. Durand and the American

Landscape surveys over 50 paintings and engravings from famed American landscape

painter Asher B. Durand. One of the founders of the Hudson River School , Durand

created works that are some of the most beautiful and famous American landscape

paintings of the 19th century. Visitors can learn more about the artist in an engaging

lecture and poetry readings in the galleriesn conjunction with Kindred Spirits, SDMA

has organized a beautiful display of over 20 California plein-

air paintings together with the Lux Art Institute. Plein Air Past and Present:

A Collaboration Between SDMA and the Lux Art Institute will run concurrently with

Kindred Spirits and includes key works from SDMA’

s collection, as well as loans from important local collectors.
Opening later in February is Rhythms of India: The Art of Nandalal Bose (1882-

1966), a major exhibition organized by SDMA in collaboration with the government

of India and the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi . Rhythms of India

features close to 100 works by Nandalal Bose, the father of modern art in India
and the only artist ever patronized by Mahatma Gandhi. The exhibition also marks the
first time that a survey of works by Bose has been permitted to leave Asia.


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