艺术家与动物配合的展览在伦敦开幕 2009-09-08 16:21:30 来源:99艺术网专稿 编译:张鸿宾 点击:
人类和动物彼此都是如何相互关联的? 在英国以“艺术与科学”为主旨的机构“艺术催化剂”(Arts Catalyst)的名为“种间(Interspecies)”的展览和活动中,7位国际艺术家创造了一系列作品来探寻这种复杂的关系。


  伦敦讯——人类和动物彼此都是如何相互关联的? 在英国以“艺术与科学”为主旨的机构“艺术催化剂”(Arts Catalyst)的名为“种间(Interspecies)”的展览和活动中,7位国际艺术家创造了一系列作品来探寻这种复杂的关系。




  表演艺术家Kira O’Reilly将参与“与猪共眠(Falling Asleep with a Pig)”的持续性表演,这位艺术家将与一只猪在72小时中共享一个生存空间。与不同的生物进行生活、睡觉和吃饭这些简单的行为,产生了令人好奇的故事并展示了共同分享的经历。


  法国艺术家Nicholas Primat在动物园和实验室与灵长类动物“亲密接触”,他花了好几个月的时间来获得动物的认可。他的视觉作品Portrait de Famille,是与狒狒和蜘蛛猿拍摄的,视频展示了一个人是如何被另一个物种完全接受的。





  Exhibition of Artists Collaborating with Animals to Open in London


  LONDON.- How do humans and animals relate to each other? In The Arts Catalyst’s Interspecies exhibition and event, seven international artists have created a range of work that explores this complex relationship. From live experiments that allow visitors to communicate with fish to a video work that explores the age-old affiliation between falconer and falcon, Interspecies brings together a number of artists working with animals and explores the boundaries of our interaction. Curious about the animal’s point of view, the artists challenge the dominant human viewpoint and aim to work in collaboration with other species.


  Performance artist Kira O’Reilly will take part in a durational performance Falling Asleep with a Pig. Drawing on fairy tales, metamorphosis and the magical intimacy of sleep, the artist will share a living space with a pig for 72 hours. The simple acts of living, sleeping and eating with a different species create an intriguing narrative and suggest a shared experience.


  French artist Nicholas Primat worked closely with primates in residencies at zoos and laboratories, spending many months gaining their acceptance. His intuitive video piece, Portrait de Famille, filmed with baboons and spider monkeys, shows a human who had learned how to be fully accepted by another species.


  Interspecies explores human interaction with animals through a mix of video, performance and experiments. Programmed to coincide with Darwin’s 200th anniversary, the exhibition is accompanied by free symposia and family events that will question how the arts and sciences approach issues from conservation to animal rights.


