0条评论 2010-10-12 13:34:32 来源:99艺术网专稿 

1977年 毕业中国上海戏剧学院舞台美术系,在毕业留校任教期间,经历了跨越造型艺术、戏剧、音乐、文学各个门类的深化学习,为胡项城今后的艺术活动确定了一条独特的道路。


1978年 为了支持西藏的教育,在西藏大学艺术系任教达二年。在此期间,经受无神论教育体系长期

1986年 胡项城旅居日本,从事当代艺术、民间工艺学、造型学的研究;90年代初,胡项城参与了上海双年展的创立;不久,就开始了为期三年的南部非洲艺术创作和游历考察活动。




2000年 担任上海双年展艺术委员会委员;参加了未来艺术展,获日本文化奖;第二年赴亚洲、欧洲、非洲,考察研究乡土文化,特征建筑。

2002年 参加巴黎-北京、法国-中国现代艺术展;担任上海双年展艺术委员会执行委员;同时担任上海青浦老城区概念性规划设计、上海青浦小西门地块改建设计、上海金泽镇概念性规划设计、金泽镇传统铺地实施的工作。

2003年 担任中国美术学院地之缘学术委员会顾问;作为上海设计艺术大展 “家-从传统到现代” 策展人;上海美术馆“笔墨意韵-国际水墨艺术展”学术委员。

2004年 参加了意大利威尼斯国际开放雕塑展;担任上海双年展艺术委员会委员;参加日本福井市立美术馆“古今国际现代艺术展水墨艺术”展。

2005年 参加了日本横浜三年展“建筑违章”;担任上海一城九镇建设,朱家角镇建设顾问。

2006年 作为策展人,参加了台北市立美术馆“中国空间里的现代艺术——黄盒子”。

2007年 担任上海双年展学术委员会委员;参加威尼斯开放雕塑展;上海美术馆“胡项城艺术展—陌生者的行程”;澳门艺术博物馆中国当代艺术展“显微境-观”。

2008年 巴西圣保罗建筑双年展;担任中国上海世界博览会非洲联合馆艺术总监。






 Hu Xiangcheng CV


1977 Graduated from the Stage Design Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy; Stayed in the college as a professor and practiced in various fields including visual arts, drama, music, literature, etc., which paved way for his artistic activities in the future.

1978 Taught at the Fine Arts Department of Tibet University for two years; In Tibet the artist who was educated to be an atheist was roused by the connectivity of Tibetan’s mental and physical world.

1986 Moved to Japan; was involved in the research of contemporary art, folk craft art and visual art; In the early 1990s, he participated in the establishment of Shanghai Biennial and later on, started his three-year exploration in South Africa for artistic creation.

From Shanghai to Tibet, Tokyo, Africa, New York, Paris and also many villages in China, Hu played a role as a habitant rather than traveler in all of these cultural settings, during which he was continuously thinking, developing, sublimating and summarizing. Accordingly, he put forward that contemporary artists from different areas should approach different tasks, and furthermore, they are expected not only to raise social questions, but also to take action to work out their solutions.

Based on the statement above, Hu put it into practice; He returned to China in 2002, positively advocated and improved the state of civilization in rural areas, and worked on the renaissance of Chinese traditional culture; He is currently re-building his ideal community in the suburbs of Shanghai including Jin Ze Town in Qingpu District and Zhu Jiajiao etc.

To rebuild traditional social life, a series of case studies were initiated that covered the entire spectrum of social life ranging from laying down antique streets to renovating architecture by using traditional methods of construction; from the inheritance and organization of traditional handicrafts to the renaissance of Chinese folk festivals that were established by wise forefathers, which cover every aspect of life including architecture, space, utensils, and rituals. By integrating antique and traditional houses into a landscape of high-rises, Hu tries to preserve an image of Oriental living amongst the boundless concrete jungle.

Taking these projects as a starting point, he hopes to reestablish an Oriental lifestyle and living world with etiquette, rules, sentiment and friendship. Meanwhile, Hu has also scaled the heights for his own artistic pursuit.

2000 Selected as the member of academic committee of the 6th Shanghai Biennial; Winner of Japanese Culture Prize in Future Art Exhibition; Travelled around Asia, Europe and Africa, to study local cultures and architecture.

2002 Exhibited in Paris-Pekin Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition; Was the executive member of academic committee of 7th Shanghai Biennial; Designer of the conceptual planning program in Jin Ze Town of Qingpu District; Designer of the Minor West Gate rebuilding project in Qingpu District; In charge of the traditional road-paving construction.



Consultant of academic committee of China Academy of Fine Art; Curator of Shanghai Design and Art Exhibition “Home: from Tradition to Modern”; Member of academic committee of “Brush, Ink, Sense, Rhyme” International Water-Color Painting Invitation Exhibition in Shanghai Art Museum;

2004 Exhibited in the International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations in Venice, Italy; Member of academic committee of 8th Shanghai Biennial; Exhibited in the “International Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition” in Fukui City Art Museum.

2005 Exhibited in “YOKOHAMA 2005: International Triennial of Contemporary Art”; In charge of the construction project “One City, Nine Towns” in Shanghai; Consultant of the development of Zhu Jiajiao Town

2006 Curated the show “Yellow Box: Contemporary Art and Architecture in a Chinese Space” in Taipei Fine Art Museum

2007 Member of academic committee of 9th Shanghai Biennial; Exhibited in “Open 2007 International Sculpture Exhibition” in Venice, Italy; Exhibited in “Microcosm: Chinese Contemporary Art” in The Macau Museum of Art; Had a solo exhibition in Shanghai Art Museum

2008 Exhibited in San Paulo Biennial; Art director of Africa Joint Pavilion of Shanghai Expo

2010 Exhibited in “China - Indonesia Islamic Cultural Expo and Art Show”; Had the solo show “Itinerant Deities” in Shanghai Gallery of Art at Three on the Bund.

As an artist, Hu is totally unique, whose category of work has gone far beyond the boundary of the usual modes of art making.



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