迈阿密NADA艺博会参展名单公布 90余家画廊参展
0条评论 2014-09-04 11:02:46 来源:99艺术网成都站 李洪雷编译 


近日,NADA艺博会(The New Art Dealers Alliance)宣布了它在迈阿密海滩举办的第12届参展商名单。该博览会将在迈阿密海滩的多维尔海滩度假村(Deauville Beach Resort)举办,从12月1日持续到7日,将聚集超过90家参展商,其中40余家来自纽约,36家为国际画廊,另外还有15家参展商是新加入博览会。

今年,大约有20家纽约参展商不再参与该博览会,包括Churner + Churner、James Fuentes、 the Hole、Horton、 Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery、 Joe Sheftel、Kerry Schuss、Simone Subal、Kate Werble、Feature Inc.、Andrew Edlin、 Clifton Benevento、The Still House Group、Know More Games、Recess和 Devon Dikeou。其中一些像Clifton Benevento和Simone Subal今年将参加巴塞尔迈阿密艺博会。还有一些打算今年都不参与迈阿密海滩的艺博会,如Kate Werble称她打算今年参加两场欧洲的博览会——伦敦的星期天艺博会(SUNDAY Art Fair)和巴黎当代艺术博览会(FIAC),她的画廊也刚刚经历了扩展。今年新加入NADA的纽约画廊有Bodega、 Chapter NY、the Lodge Gallery、Grand Century、Koenig & Clinton、Kai Matsumiya、Simon Preston、Regina Rex和Tomorrow。

Koenig & Clinton画廊的玛吉•克林顿(Maggie Clinton)告诉记者:“画廊会用不同类型的项目去申请不同的博览会,我们用于申请巴塞尔迈阿密艺博会的项目就曾被采用”。 Koenig & Clinton画廊去年参与的是巴塞尔迈阿密艺博会,它也参与过很多次的迈阿密NADA艺博会。今年,它将参与迈阿密NADA艺博会和无题艺博会(Untitled)。玛吉说道:“决定参与那个博览会主要取决于博览会的模式。我认为NADA对新兴艺术家来说是一个非常好的模式,而无题博览会则非常适合策展项目。今年,我们会在无题博览会中重点推出一位艺术家,以项目的形式,这在其它博览会是不能被展出的”。


Cooper Cole, Toronto, Canada

The Apartment, Vancouver

Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark

Temnikova & Kasela, Tallinn, Estonia

High Art, Paris, France

Future Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Natalia Hug Gallery, Cologne, Germany,

Galerie Christian Lethert, Cologne Germany

Linn Luhn, Dusseldorf, Germany

Galerie Max Mayer, Dusseldorf, Germany

Galerie Parisa Kind, Frankfurt, Germany

Proyectos Ultravioleta, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Tempo Rubato, Tel Aviv, Israel

Apalazzo Gallery, Brescia, Italy

Frutta, Rome, Italy,

Federica Schiavo Gallery, Rome, Italy

Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Lulu, Mexico City, Mexico

Rob Bianco, Oslo, Norway

Aoyama Meguro, Tokyo, Japan

Kayokoyuki, Tokyo, Japan

Misako & Rosen, Tokyo, Japan

Mujin-To Production, Tokyo, Japan

XYZ Collective, Tokyo, Japan

Roberto Paradise, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Sabot, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Truth and Consequences, Geneva, Switzerland

Glasgow International, Glasgow, UK

Ibid, London, UK

Kinman, London, UK

Seventeen, London, UK

Rob Tuffnell, London, UK

Rod Barton, London, UK

The Sunday Painter, London, UK

Jonathan Viner, London, UK

Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK

247365, New York, Brooklyn, New York

Clearing, New York, Brooklyn, New York

The Journal Gallery, Brooklyn, New York

Courtney Blades, Chicago, Illinois

Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

And Now, Dallas, Texas

Bill Brady Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri

Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles, CA

Thomas Duncan, Los Angeles, CA

Francois Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

International Art Objects Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Overduin & Co, Los Angeles, CA

Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Tif Sigfrids, Los Angeles, CA

Young Art, Los Angeles, CA

Locust Projects, Miami, FLA

The Green Gallery, Milwaukee, WI

David Peterson Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

Alden Projects, New York

American Contemporary, New York

Nicelle Bauchene Gallery, New York

Bodega, New York

Brennan and Griffin, New York

Callicoon Fine Arts, New York

Canada, New York

Lisa Cooley, New York

Chapter NY, New York

Independent Curators International (ICI), New York

Eleven Rivington, New York

Derek Eller, New York

Thomas Erben Gallery, New York

Essex Street, New York

Zach Feuer, New York

Foxy Production, New York

Laurel Gitlen, New York

The Lodge Gallery, New York

Grand Century, New York

Jack Hanley Gallery, New York

Invisible-Exports, New York

JTT, New York

Karma, New York

Koenig & Clinton, New York

David Lewis, New York

Magic Flying Carpets, New York

Marlborough Chelsea, New York

Martos Gallery, New York

Kai Matsumiya, New York

P!, New York

Eli Ping Frances Perkins, New York

Simon Preston, New York

Regina Rex, New York

Sculpture Center, New York

Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York

Tomorrow, New York

White Columns, New York

Creative Growth, Oakland, CA

Adams and Ollman, Portland, OR

Ratio 3, San Francisco, CA


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