阿拉的女人照片系列——西丽·娜沙特作品赏析 2009-03-18 14:13:31 来源:网络 作者:佚名 点击:




  娜沙特在处理这种转移的情感的同时利用了艺术来解开回教的意识形态。这些成果有Women of Allah 阿拉的女人(1993-97)照片系列,一群激烈的想要推翻回教一贯形象并检验回教里牺牲教义的回教女人。在1996年,娜沙特开始制作录像,渴望创造更多诗意并无限制的作品。她创作了一个多画面的三部曲录像装置。

  Turbulent 狂暴(1998), Rapture 狂喜(1999)和 Fervor 积热 (2000)---- 这华丽的纪录了男性/女性在伊斯兰社会中的冥想。(转)

  Shirin Neshat doesn't quite know where to call home. The 43-year-old artist was born and raised in Iran but moved to the U.S. after high school to study art. When the Islamic Revolution overtook her homeland in 1979, Neshat was exiled and couldn't return until 11 years later--and the country she went home to bore little resemblance to the one she left. Neshat dealt with her sense of displacement by trying to untangle the ideology of Islam through art. The result was Women of Allah (1993-97), a photographic series of militant Muslim women that subverts the stereotype and examines the Islamic idea of martyrdom. In 1996, Neshat began working with film, eager to create more poetic, open-ended works. She produced a trilogy of split-screen video installations--Turbulent (1998), Rapture (1999) and Fervor (2000)--all sumptuously filmed meditations on the male/female dynamic in Islamic societies. Her current exhibition--at London's Serpentine Gallery until Sept. 3 then at Hamburger Kunsthalle in January-- presents Women of Allah and all three video installations together for the first time. Here is a selection of images from the exhibition.
