图文直播:展场入口中处 2009-07-23 10:48:01 来源:99艺术网 编译:张明湖 点击:
  当拍卖行“三巨头”—佳士得、苏富比、菲利普斯—不得不面对销售额下降的现实时,维也纳拍卖行Im Kinsky却能直面艺术市场颓势,在09年上半年创造了销售额新纪录。

Vienna Auction House Sees Record Results


  VIENNA—At a time when the "big three" auction houses — Christie's, Sotheby's, and Phillips de Pury & Co. — are seeing their major sales bring in mere fractions of previous years' results, the Vienna auction house Im Kinsky has defied the declining art market and achieved record results for the first half of 2009, reports the Austrian Press Agency.

  The modest Im Kinsky brought in €14 million ($19.9 million) from January through June, for an increase of 11.2 percent over the same period last year. The house reports selling 17 lots for more than €100,000; the top three earners were Max Oppenheimer's Die Geißelung (The Whipping) at €446,000 and Egon Schiele's Stehendes Mädchen (Standing Girl) and Akt mit Strümpfen (Nude with Stockings) at €320,000 and €260,000. Not all the news is good, though: While important modern works have done well, interest in 19th-century painting has waned.


(来源:Artinfo&Im Kinsky,点击参看译文

