开幕式 2009-08-22 10:00:21 来源:99艺术网 编译:张明湖 点击:


Berlin Wall a Canvas Once Again


  BERLIN—Not to be outdone by a large L.A. art project that will recreate the Berlin Wall for three weeks in honor of the 20th anniversary of the historic barrier’s fall, the actual Wall in Berlin is at the center of another public art project: From now until November 9, the date the wall came down, locals and tourists are invited to write, draw, and paint on a remaining part of the Cold War icon. A history of the project, called "Write the Wall," will soon be housed online, as a camera will take frequent pictures to document it.

  Meanwhile, professional artists are still hard at work at restoring the original art they created before the wall was taken down in 1989 on a still-standing section now called the East Side Gallery.




