胡武功是谁? 2009-12-01 16:31:07 来源: 99艺术网专稿 编译:张鸿宾 点击:
Arte Fiera Art First在举办了34个年头中,通过展示最具有历史性和最具创新精神的画廊而不断的加强它作为意大利最重要,最完善的国际现当代艺术博览会的地位。


Bologna's International Art Fair, Arte Fiera Art First, Announced


  Jay Heikes, "The Family Tree", 2003. BOLOGNA.- Over its 34 editions, Arte Fiera Art First has strengthened its role as Italy’s most important and complete international fair of modern and contemporary art by presenting the best historical and avant-garde galleries.


  On the international art scene, Arte Fiera Art First confirms its constant promotion of Italian art by presenting internationally renowned artists. It is a unique showcase for discovering modern masters such as Carlo Carrà, Felice Casorati, Giorgio de Chirico, Gino Severini, alongside conceptual art by Enrico Castellani, Agostino Bonalumi, and Vincenzo Agnetti, or informal art by Giuseppe Capogrossi, Alberto Burri, and Emilio Vedova.


  The fair presents a comprehensive view of the international art scene. There will also be a selection of works by artists coming from many different countries who are exploring contemporary art by using a wide variety of artistic medias.


  New trends proposed by emerging Italian and international artists are presented in the Young Galleries section, where galleries in the art market not more than 5 years will display works ranging in price from 500 to 10,000 euros.


At the Fair


  Every day books and catalogues will be presented at the Art Café space, so that visitors can discover the latest products from publishers and galleries exhibiting at Arte Fiera Art First. A meeting point for artists, curators, critics, and personalities in the world of art and contemporary culture.


  The Art Talks space host conferences on collecting, with analyses and discussions of all aspects of this topic. The program calls for three panels focus on private museums, corporate collections, and relations between art and the art market organized in collaboration with Gruppo 24Ore.


  The 4th edition of the Premio Euromobil Under 30 – main sponsor of Arte Fiera Art First – is addressed to Italian and foreign artists whose works are in the fair. The winner, selected by a jury consisting of Gaspare, Antonio, Fiorenzo and Giancarlo Lucchetta, Silvia Evangelisti, Beatrice Buscaroli, Walter Guadagnini, Aldo Colonetti, Cleto Munari and Roberto Gobbo, will be announced at the exhibition and invited to create a work that relates to the Euromobil collections showing at Arte Fiera in ‘I luoghi dell’arte. I luoghi del design’ space.



