清华大学美术学院副院长何洁 2010-03-18 18:35:39 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
纽约现代艺术博物馆“项目92”(Project 92)正在展出尹秀珍的大型装置作品《集体潜意识》。此次展览由Sarah Suzuki策划。



  纽约现代艺术博物馆“项目92”(Project 92)正在展出尹秀珍的大型装置作品《集体潜意识》。此次展览由Sarah Suzuki策划。作为一名中国当代艺术的领军人物,尹秀珍从20 世纪90 年代便开始她的艺术创作并广泛活跃于各种国际展览。她的作品通过对旧衣物的拼接,传达出一种对于社会发展以及城市化进程的亲密视角。2007 年《集体潜意识》曾在北京公社举办的尹秀珍个展上首次展出。


  纽约现代艺术博物馆的“项目计划系列”(Projects Series)创建于1971年,作为新兴艺术家以及新艺术的平台,其在纽约现代艺术博物馆的当代艺术计划中发挥着举足轻重的作用。尹秀珍的新作展《第二张皮》也将于2010 年3 月18 日在佩斯北京拉开帷幕。


  展览时间:2010 年2 月24 日-5 月24 日



  Yin Xiuzhen’s large-scale installaion Collecive Subconscious iscurrently on show in her solo project “Projects 92” at the Museum ofModern Art, New York. A leading figure in contemporary Chinese art,Yin Xiuzhen started her pracice in art in the early 1990s and has since exhibited widely in internaional exhibiions. Most well-known for her works that incorporate second-hand clothes, she brings a sotness and familiarity to her commentary on development and urbanizaion.Collecive Subconscious debuted at Yin’s solo exhibiion at Beijing Commune in 2007.


  MoMA’s Projects series was created in 1971 as a forum for emerging arists and new art. Second Skin, a solo exhibiion of Yin Xiuzhen's new works, will open at Pace Beijing on March 18th.


  Time: Feburary 24 – May 24, 2010

  Venue: The Museum of Modern Art

  Projects Gallery, Second Floor
