展现人之为人的责任感 2011-07-29 14:21:27 来源:99艺术网专稿 作者:秦蓁 点击:

Flower cloud


Flowers are clouds, in dream saw so, sometimes in life as it, actually it is our life, see you how to understand. Flowers and grass are actually very vulgar things, not as fatty food to satisfy, not as white flour bun stronger. Sometimes I like to eat white flour bun, feel special. It is that kind of handmade rubbing out, not kind of a knife cut down, if you have a bite, feel powerful and airy, romantic to think, very anxious to eat out a cloud from inside the steamed bun, that only is drawing people imaginings.


Two days ago I went to the cat market and bought a beautiful British short blue cat, give it a name is time. Another friend also bought a Russia blue cat, and two cats are very beautiful, his name hasn't give. After returning raises two days, a little stomach isn't very good, went to sell cat owners, we said that cat was sickness, sell cat owners bring it over, specially affectionate, put it toward bosom, said was it sick, I sew that moving, the man asked the cat call what name? I said that "time". He said, very interesting, you this one called time, that one was "clock" job. I think sells the cat's peculiar amusing. Today I heard "clock" job has died, and the day is too cold, the body is too weak. Time still live well, time really quite good, no time I feel empty.


Each buying pet person, hope to his baby has a good name, people name can't informal, that is subject to many conditions, pet name can be a powerful and unconstrained style. Should say pet name much more interesting than man's name, my blue cat, very beautiful, very romantic, but time this name is not romantic, don't look right, but call up a special right, I call time, all my flesh creep up. Kitten came, time is gone. Time in run, the time is no. This name every day to remind me, don't let time ran vainly. I just started thinking time this name is too academic, too philosophy, it now seems that time is a basic concepts. Time is beside me, very common very daily, without him can't, without philosophy can, no academic can, no time can't. Next time I buy another pet, decided to name it space, time and space all have, what all I am not afraid. After have a son named space-time, I daren't even think.


Keeping a pet need time, that raising children may spend more time, so time is too important, when I say time, feel fuzz stand up, time should be ok, said after two weeks take time.


Flower blooming needs time, cloud moving needs time, dining needs time, drawing needs time, friends need time, “time” needs time...


Flowers into clouds takes time, cloud into flower also needs time.


Writing things needs time, thinking time needs time, time is not a thing, he is run things, today time mental state is good, just diarrhea, this was written that day, it is today write.


 Because time.



