第一届VIP MFA在线艺博会6月1日开幕 2012-06-01 09:26:44 来源:艺术眼 作者:陈颖编译 点击:
由VIP在线艺博会推出的首届VIP MFA艺博会将于明日正式亮相,展会将一直持续至6月8日。VIP MFA是首个致力于支持和鼓励年轻艺术家进入艺术市场的评审式在线艺博会。



Academia San Carlos, UNAM


Alfred University-New York State College of Ceramics


Art Center College of Design, Pasadena


Bard College, NY


California College of the Arts


California Institute of the Arts


Chelsea College of Art and Design


China Academy of Art


China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA)


Columbia College Chicago


Columbia University School of the Arts


Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan


Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Geneva


EcoleNationaleSupZrieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre


Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland


Escola de BelasArtes/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro


Fine Art School in Athens


Glasgow School of Art


Goldsmiths, University of London


Helwan University, El Cairo


HochschulefYrGestaltung und Kunst, InstitutKunst, Basel


Hunter College D CUNY, NY


Johannes Gutenberg-UniversitStKunsthochschule, Mainz




Lasalle College of Arts, Singapore


Maryland Institute College of Art


Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town


National Art School, Sydney


New York Academy of Art


Oslo National Academy of the Arts


Parsons, The New School for Design


Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile


Pratt Institute


Rhode Island School of Design


Rochester Institute of Technology


Royal College of Art, London


Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts


Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art


San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI)


School of Visual Arts


SchulefYrGestaltung, Zurich


Simon Fraser University Contemporary Arts


Sir JJ School of Art, Mumbai


SOMA Mexico


Sydney College of the Arts


The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Towson University


Universidad Complutense de Madrid


University of British Columbia


University of California, Davis


University of California, San Diego


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


University of Iowa


University of Maryland


University of Wisconsin - Madison


Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)


Washington University in St. Louis, Sam Fox


