陈源初:长相思 2013-02-11 09:41:52 来源:99艺术网 作者:陈源初
长相思不凝胶的只是因为有骨髓、 套筒、 做梦的微风,轻催泪,无意中,收获宽容、 移动。不问什么一夜之间,的头发长长了人的思想、 人的书呆子阅读湮没了的眼中,安静梦落家的花之间,的红尘游览余裕宫没有谁家居庭院深的池塘,半生流离失所是的方式之后。



长相思不凝胶的只是因为有骨髓、 套筒、 做梦的微风,轻催泪,无意中,收获宽容、 移动。不问什么一夜之间,的头发长长了人的思想、 人的书呆子阅读湮没了的眼中,安静梦落家的花之间,的红尘游览余裕宫没有谁家居庭院深的池塘,半生流离失所是的方式之后,那些时刻的华丽芳已人永恒的瞬间谁的生命停止余人的心,效果在迷的笔写心代。滑动移动行板行板的愿望在心中的一幅画,马赛克传递景观岸和生活的走廊里。强烈的颜色或光,或是否它会盯着。查找。仔细看。长眼。斜的目的。垂直。包含不同感动和泪水。张是无疑美丽、 善良的心,外形美观 ;功能都无疑美丽、 水晶宫、 广西送香。寂寞的张此外,兔子,还和人沟通?美丽的东西为什么会如此凄凉甚至残忍吗?这是法律的一项人权吗?也是人本身对美女的上享受折射出人类的残忍吗?时间的流逝风,吹长长的头发如飞行的内存,头脑中描述性的风舞旗的声音,轻轻吹开心脏窗口关闭很长时间、 使通常稳重雪月英华,一小撮的润肤露、 洗去的铁锈和灰尘的生活,谈到河里清晰的春天生活和清洁。其实,可能并不孤独,明亮华丽的天河,人权的巨大历史的添加,见惯了多少军事硬件和忧郁,忧郁,多少边缘的斗争,多少欢乐和看到多少荣辱沉浮的悲伤喜,都是中厚 24 史飞如烟,如水中月亮,像飘过,自远古以来流浪到目前为止。千年的帆船,记忆消失下的眼睛,耳朵突然环绕绽放生命旋律,激起了心有的令人费解的渴望。轻轻打开窗帘和春雨,淋的虔诚的花,许多人的记忆片段作为雨浇开的花,温暖的深的梦想,一样的心态在这一刻,然后悠闲的浮动鲜花和春天将人们熏倒和喝醉了,不愿意醒来。什么样的呢?不均匀的栏杆,吹水人 !打破西云、 严酷、 流流,小桥匆忙回顾。枕一夜,想想,相思湖,翡翠兰花。春天没有去,相思树已枯萎,连续的生命,不客气的爱 !在梦中,仍无痕迹,像一幅画,发现香沉没竹斗篷、 雾和水和暮忧郁渴逐渐服装系列。单击打开后层层波浪,多国联盟鸥调用层到要回到那里,在夜晚的心呢?悲伤的眼泪落,眼睛湿具体 !希望可能吞下轻、 软的字像黄莺,起来,在昨晚的梦 !晚上的睡眠,相思春天是扩展的清醒起来,和凝血是爱,月亮,有吗?可以想念吗?西窗吹雨,为谁? !美丽、 困难和粉红色的荷花 !琴丝声音向上,写入 !尹福字,作为耳语,露丝湿轮班,结束冷入侵的悲凉 !伴随谁吗?之后到处都是 !常设时间山拉伸的岸边,当看到从眼角的掌上明珠道,河流、 思量静止。只有自己的心语言,潺潺流水声的美丽和悠扬,陪同花了无数不眠之夜。但在这起风的夜里雨中亲热,想使用文章煮一锅纯莫湘,坐幕点燃生命歌唱声音的边缘上。在这里,飞绿尘香挥之不去,向上!月是轻得像水,一个迷人 !按住被子想起叹息心繁茂盛联赛吧 !开放的职业,孤立的香肠独断,晚担心卷,幕鬼 !梅花,像三弦, 管充分的绿色,当上,重新输入香淋浴 !沉默,黑暗认为,梦想,是烂醉

Long thinking

Thinking just because of the bone marrow that does not gel, sleeve, dreaming of the breeze, mild tear, inadvertently gain tolerance, and move. Does not asked what a night Zhejiang, of hair long has people of thought, and people of nerd read annihilation has of eye in the, quiet dream falls home of spent Zhejiang, of Red Dust tour Yu Dugong no who home courtyard deep of pond, half displacement Yes way zhihou, those moments of gorgeous Fong has people eternal of moments who of life stop more than people of heart, effect in fans of pen wrote heart generation. Slide the moving Andante desires in the heart of a painting, mosaic passing landscape corridors of the Bank and life. Strong color or light, or whether it will stare. To find. Look very carefully. Slot mesh. Oblique purposes. Vertical. Contains a different loyalty and tears. Is undoubtedly beautiful and kind heart, stylish; features are undoubtedly beautiful, Crystal Palace, Guangxi sent perfume. Lonely in addition, rabbit, and human communication? Something beautiful why you are so bleak-and even cruel? This is the law of human rights? People do enjoy reflecting on the beauty of human cruelty? The passage of time the wind, blown long hair such as flight memory, describes the flag of the wind dance sound in the mind, gently blows open heart window closed for a long time, the usually steady snow months Yinchuan, a handful of lotion, wash away the rust and dust of life, referring to the clear spring of life in the river and clean. In fact, could not alone, bright gorgeous milky way, add a great history of human rights, accustomed to see how much military hardware and melancholy, depression, how many edges of struggle, how much joy and seeing the ups and downs of honor and disgrace of sadness, is thick history of 24 flying like smoke, as the Moon in the water, like drifting, wandering since time immemorial so far. Millennium yacht, memories disappear under the eyes, ear blooms suddenly around the melody of life, stirred up some obscure longing. Gently open the curtains and rain, spray pious spent many people's memories as rain-fed flowers, warm deep dreams, it's the same mentality at the moment, and then leisurely floating flowers and spring people smoked and drunk and unwilling to wake up. What does? Uneven bars, blowing water people! Breaking xenon, stark, stream flow, small bridge hastily recalled. Pillow one night, think, Acacia Lake, Emerald orchid. Spring did not go, acacia tree has withered, life of continuous, you're welcome love! In my dreams, there is still no trace, like a painting, find fragrant bamboo cloak, the fog and the water sank and twilight melancholy thirsty gradually clothing series. After you click Open the layer upon layer waves, Gull calls to return to the multinational Union there, in the heart of the night? Sad tears fell, her eyes wet! Hope may swallow the light, soft words like oriole; rise up in last night's dream! Night sleep, Acacia is an extension of sobering up in the spring, and coagulation are love, moon, have you? Can I miss? West window blowing rain, for whom?! Beautiful, difficult and pink Lotus! Piano wire sound up, write! Yin Fu, as a whisper, Ruth wet shift, end the invasion of cold and dreary! With who? Everywhere after! Standing time mountain stretch of shore, when seen from the corner of the eye, and rivers, thought stills. Only their own heart language, gurgling sound of running water and the beauty of music, accompanying spent countless sleepless nights. But on this windy night out in the rain, wants to use the article boiled a pot of pure Mo Xiang, sitting on edges of the screen lit life singing voice. Here, the flying green dusts lingering fragrance up! Month is light like water, a charming! Hold the quilt reminds sighs heart lush Sheng League! Open career, lone sausage imperious and later worried about volume, screen ghost! Plum blossom, like the Sanmina, tube full of green when, re-enter the fragrant shower! Silent, dark think, dream, be drunk!







