陈源初:寂美 2013-02-11 10:00:32 来源:99艺术网 作者:陈源初
悲天之久,一个思想是永恒的念及落如氏,如果浮动生命、 写、 笔笔心碎的梦里,时间,取决于窗口和外观、 情绪,以及慢慢黑夜,只是想分享美丽的星光月光,花沉默。吃不死药,飞入美丽寂寞的功能的春秋,从原始的母系氏族,直到今天,就一直遵循与房间。


悲天之久,一个思想是永恒的念及落如氏,如果浮动生命、 写、 笔笔心碎的梦里,时间,取决于窗口和外观、 情绪,以及慢慢黑夜,只是想分享美丽的星光月光,花沉默。吃不死药,飞入美丽寂寞的功能的春秋,从原始的母系氏族,直到今天,就一直遵循与房间。通缉到繁华富人的天堂,张是边缘人、 同时最初的理想在那儿,但在了月球,这种独立的余天亭和谁,细数目与如何明星在哪里斗移的沧桑。整个一生,有些痛心的故事,人民在流泪,忘了;总是有一些甜美的回忆,醉的人不醒痴迷和挥之不去。一些离别但生与死,再次喜悦、 放弃和持久性、 悲伤和喜悦,心痛,移动,喜欢交响乐的过山车一样生活在一起。看功能,桂花树成为不朽,通过一个白色,拥抱的玉兔,充满了古代神秘、诱人的气氛弥漫的功能,此来自月光下的风景,是今晚浸泡每个孤独的心灵。神奇美丽的特点,是命运,生活的驿站的道路上吗?在单词的无数曲折和轮流忧郁,旋律爱歌悠悠,不时在心里呼应的损失。游荡。闹鬼。过去,即便在丽水,迷人的梦想运动下的月亮和鲜花,山的经验低声耳语的挥之不去的记忆,比在这个时候,一脸无奈,清末的怨恨的线程百感交集发出的一声叹息。像这个月亮,自史前时代转到,一直不停止,极限是什么?今晚,并不孤单,是合唱,几个月内,风飘船。尘不明亮,可以比的上个月的水晶灯,有这声音可以比是唐代的纯净的月光会映的世界吗?街上,可能人太匆忙了,没有时间停下来,修剪约思想的忙,看一眼苍白的背后。走上普通纸,逐行,着迷于千年 ;锦书,在睡眠,然后一个接一个的梦想永远。长时间若要撰写的相思树头,人生风景装饰每个诗中错过了。美丽的邂逅,如梦的魔法,都着迷于对方,和睡上玫瑰一起告诉爱字,夜,直到。一年的时间,过去的歌曲如充斥与烟雾的刹那,三月原本想要逃脱,这打算独自享受有关五月是圣洁的月光命中。随着时间的推移,一些永恒和单调的碎片会慢慢开始重叠或粘在一起,很难告诉,但逐渐和最后系列有时快乐有时悲伤非凡时代的第一最后阶段的标题,尽管有时模糊、 时断断续续的,并可无数记忆尚未通过的时间在一起。丰富了生命颜色,丰富的情感在心里,丰富想法和愿望。只是为了找到世界如此顺利,所以月光下 ,只是为了找到生命是匆忙,过来走得太快。忽略了路边的风光,忽略太多,它已经失去的最珍贵的感情,发现混乱的感官刺激眼睛和耳朵,功利心,被遮盖,并已失去了感觉,最简单的幸福的能力。在生活的交响乐,一些难以形容的旋律偶尔唤起过去的回忆。起初,只有分散的一些片段隐约,沉没漂浮在头部的闪烁。然后,一些新的旋律演奏的新曲目的记忆,并保持交替迭代符。崩溃了夜最黑暗的一面,虔诚,用手抓住了水,心光抓住了。地面远古蔓延永恒的月亮,继续不断的给与返回的心情,因为水喜欢刷新很酷。让心大多数真光的零件,呆在天空中最明亮的细节,浮躁的心累了、 飘荡在空中最明亮的一季。挥舞着转进看理想放行李再见嘴里说的东西,希望对这种已在继续向下,不写,写不了......但最终变成灰尘带走,消失在内存中。过去成为回忆,过去也作为烟雾消散,与不会不去的悲伤,埋深,与内存中不会和图方式遵循不附加到,扩大像一个气球,当到达的时间级别时,打破触摸。这些苍蝇飞碎片了小内存的扬扬,慢慢地在该国在风中。散乱的头发,飞走了。迷失在无垠的天空。只有期待着一天,再次进行审查,施,只了解已经尘封了的记忆,生活已是不再对谁不愿,不再为谁憔悴和这一切,已经在遗嘱中轮回的命运已注定将是等待,仍然只是为存在......

Beauty of the lonely

Sad day long forever mindful that fell like a thought, if the floating life, writing, pen heart dreams, time, depending on the window and the skin, mood, and slowly the night, just wanted to share the beauty of the stars the Moon, spent silent. Eat death drugs, flying into the beautiful features of the spring and autumn of the lonely, from the original matrilineal clans, until today, has been followed and the room. Wanted to the bustling haven of the rich, is ideal for marginal, while the original there, but on the Moon, the independent whom Yu Tianting, fine number and how to where is the star of the vicissitudes of life. Throughout life, some harrowing stories, people in tears, forget; always have some sweet memories, people don't wake up drunken obsession and lingering. Some parting but of life and death, joy again, waiver and persistent, sorrow and joy, heartache, moves, like the Symphony's roller-coaster life together. See features, sweet-scented Osman thus trees become immortal through a white, hugging, rabbit, filled with ancient mysterious, seductive atmosphere full of features, this landscape from the Moonlight, were soaking every lonely hearts tonight. Beautiful features and fate: Inn on the road of life? In the words of numerous twists and turns blue, melodic love song yoyo, loss of echoes in my mind from time to time. Wandering. Haunted. The past, even in Lihue, charming dreams campaign under the Moon and flowers, mountain whisper of lingering memories of experience than at this moment, a look of frustration, resentment at the end of the Qing dynasty issued a sigh of thread with mixed feelings. Like the Moon, from the prehistoric era to go, never stop, limit what? Tonight, not alone, is the chorus, within a few months, the wind ship. Dust is not bright, than last month's Crystal lamps, the sound than is the Moon of purity in the Tang dynasty reflecting the world? The streets may be too hasty, lack of time stopped, trimming about busy, and look at the pale back. On plain paper, line-by-line, obsessed with the Millennium; Kim, sleep, and then one after a dream forever. Long time to write the Acacia tree, landscape decoration in each poem missed in life. Beautiful encounter, as the magic of dreams, are obsessed with each other, and sleep for roses tell love words, night, until finally. A year of time, songs of the past such as the moment is filled with smoke, March originally wanted to escape, and intends to enjoy the Moonlight hits about Holiness May be alone. With the passage of time, some eternal and monotonous fragments will slowly begin to overlap or stick together, it's hard to tell, but gradually and the final series and sometimes joy sometimes sorrow the extraordinary era of the final phase of the first title, despite the sometimes blurred, choppy, and countless memories with time that has not yet been adopted. Enriches the color of life, rich emotion in my heart, rich in ideas and aspirations. Only to find the world so well, so the Moonlight, only to find life is in a hurry, come and go too quickly. Ignore the roadside scenery, ignored too much, it has lost the most precious feelings found chaotic sensory irritation of the eyes and ears, utilitarian mind, obscured, and had lost feeling, the simple joy of capacity. In the Symphony of life, some indescribable melody and occasionally evoke memories of the past. At first, only scattered pieces of some vague, sank floating in the Flash head. Then, some new melodies played new track's memory, and keep alternating iteration breaks. Crashing the night the dark side, devout, caught the water with your hands, Ebenezer caught. Ancient eternal Moon spread on the ground, continue to return, because like refreshing cool water. Allows most parts of the true light stay in the sky the brightest details, impetuous heart tired, still lingers in the air of the brightest season. Waving goes into the ideal luggage say goodbye your mouth thing, in the hope that this has continued down, do not write, can't write ... ... But eventually turn the dust away, lost in the memory. Past memories, as the smoke dissipated in the past, and not to sorrow, depth, and does not figure to follow in memory does not attach to expand like a balloon, when the level is reached, break the touch. This small memory of fly debris cockiest, slowly in the wind in the country. Scattered hairs, and flew away. Lost in the expanse of the sky. Only look forward to the day, reviewed again, Shi, only know dusty memories, life is no longer about who do not want to, whom no longer gaunt and this, reincarnation has been the will of fate has destined to be waiting still exists......





