陈源初:影绰 2013-02-11 10:11:01 来源:99艺术网 作者:陈源初


朦胧的世界,肯独自离开,不相混淆,谁也附加到的爱,伤心从未发生过。不是吗?被遗忘在那些年里旋流人浪漫的季节。在那些年里单车微风轻抚的头发下,在最美丽的地方及时间的弥留时离开。那些年,寻找跨,鸟类的迹象以前不安的必须作为远去,逐渐淡出。梦中的点滴随时间逐渐成为了现实中魅影。是有意愿可以不能再次提醒,所有都成为不可能的时候终于明白了。空的只留下残余仍在阴影,回忆断了线,梦想也被撞断。微笑和漫不经心。在欢笑中的听到只有一点点别离,和羡慕。微笑不够,静静地选择了放弃。已经有了多少次下降了,悄悄地拿起失去了的拷贝,可以关心的再次也是不能忘记,犹豫的在很久以前,在结束一次挥之不去,宁愿独自默默地忍受。坐在等候室中影绰摇摆。看看这些学生去从这里巴士巴士在全国各地。看着那些很长时间才能实施,以满足未来的期待。接着在过去年的不安、 优柔寡断和精力,因为如果在这个时刻是值得。曾经的短距离见,这些旧微不足道的诗文,是深,这在一起的道路如何深的浅的泪水在这片薄的纸商,印刷和融化了多少相思,再次提示的记忆,冬天广播的电台广播又一次在一个城市后另一辆载有预期方向的梦想的梦想驱动器之一。离别车站或站在永远不会放弃这种紧张关系在此时间后回家。走向检票口、 转身挥手是当时的理想。好好照顾自己。生活,有时最奇怪,欲望、 信念、 风雨兼程的方式命运一直令人费解的变化又一次,包括情感。这些年来,与好痛苦的变迁与共存。在金碧辉煌的生命之河,有天真的童年、 芳香的花卉、 激情的青年,奔腾宏伟志向,或小型桥梁和平静的生活,幸福的温度等口味。也有经验进一步研究在痛苦中的,梦想虚线、 低或下降当斯绊绊在生活中、 命运没有原始播放没有原因,情绪波动优柔寡断的就是爱对一个单位的珍宝,存在也是和爱有关,和悲伤爱转到有关,永恒的价值是和去没有更多大的关联,永恒的价值是因为悲伤加载同时还装有许多爱的思想,这些思想是作为一个自豪的立场的大男人生活的标志 ;多少次属于能站起来,焦急地寻找光明在黑暗中。在未来的岁月沧桑,长歌短诗伪造的水果精神的字符串。荒凉也晶莹剔透、 苦甜,也枯萎了郁郁葱葱。前挥手说再见昨天呼吁前者。回校园再次,似乎平静静静地在那里散步昨天、 今天是时间的现在路上安静的叹息昨天。说再见,然后从没见过的人,慢慢地消失在浩瀚的大海。看着的毕业照片,那些人都熟悉不熟悉,绽放的笑脸,逐渐变得模糊的人。悲哀消息来回传输,城市的天空变蓝,透明的。是的从飞行的飞机在学校低,将已震耳欲聋。在过去,可能只躺在操场上,趣窄,看一看隐藏在云层和长途飞机的痕迹。与梦想,想象明天飞向遥远的天际。这些思想虽然有很多爱引起沉重的打击 ;大部分的这些想法都失败告终 ;这些想法,虽然诋毁最终隐居田园后, 喜欢大米和作物、 简单的生活,但这次失败一系列的打击和承认的世界 !艺术生命更美丽。最后的晚餐聚会, 不喝酒,下令菜表中,几个大男人,只要几瓶果汁。坐上秋千,回顾十年来那些非常有趣的之后的生活, 想象的未来。突然发现自己的泪水湿了眼睛。直到傍晚,收到惊人消息答复只有一次会见了到永远,耳的耳语时刻闹鬼俞心态,抬起明星,明星静静地没有语言,月亮犹豫不决新泛晕,给了透明的投标方面光舞飞,广阔的夜夏,小姐,深,结束情感,在深夜里,在角落里,泪流满面,洒夏长为某人爱的泪水滴模糊了房间,醉了爱的朝圣者。城市的公共汽车慢慢地开始。慢慢地从该镇。在这座城市,在蔚蓝的天空,乌云浮几个变幻莫测。弯运河船只来回络绎不绝的构词成分。婉转些,桥上,偶尔持有人走慢,逐渐变得不到的、 和逐步消逝远侧,天地的交界处。这种方式,再次相聚,思考这什么生活给他们的最复杂的形式,所以天又一天,认为永远不会来明天。只是从这个小镇,分散和叹息。

 Shadowy world

Shadowy world, willing to leave alone, do not confuse who is also attached to the love you never happened. Isn't it? Forgotten romantic season swirl people in those years. Cycling in those years under the breeze stroking her hair, in the most beautiful place and time when you be dying to leave. In those years, looking for cross, bird previously disturbed by the signs must be gone, fading away. Gradually over time in a dream became reality in the phantom. Is the will cannot be reminded, once again, has finally realized that when all are impossible. Blank leaving only remnants are still in the shadows, memories off the line, dreams are also severing. Smile and careless. In the laughter heard only a little bit of separation, and envy. Smiling enough, chose to give up quietly. Already have the number has declined, quietly picked up the lost copy of interest cannot be forgotten again, hesitated a long time ago, at the end of a lingering, would rather alone in silence. Sitting in the waiting room in the swing. Look at these students go from here buses buses throughout the country. Look at that for a long time to be implemented, in order to meet future expectations. Then unease, indecision, and energy in the past year, because if this moment is worth it. Had seen a short distance, the old marginal's poetry, is dark, how deep the road with shallow tear in the thin paper merchant, printing and melted the Acacia, again prompting memories, broadcast radio and again in winter in the expected direction is contained in one city after another dream dreams drive one. Departure station or stations will never give up that tension going home after this time. Towards the ticket barrier, turn and wave is the ideal. Take care of yourself. Life, and sometimes the strangest, desire, belief, fate of care have been hard to understand once again, including emotions. Over the years, with good painful transition and coexistence. In the magnificent River of life, childhood innocence, aromatic flowers, passion of youth, Pentium Grand ambition, or small bridges and quiet life, temperature, taste of happiness. Also has experience further research in suffering in the of, dream dashed, and low or declined Dang Republika stumbles stumbles in life in the, and fate no original play no causes, emotional fluctuations indecision of is love on a units of treasures, exists is and love about, and sad love go to about, eternal of value is and to no more large of associated, eternal of value is because sad loaded while also with many love of thought, these thought is as a proud of position of large men life of flag; how many times belonging to can station up, Anxiously searching for the light in the dark. In the years to come the vicissitudes of life, long song short poems counterfeiting strings of fruit spirits. Desolate, crystal clear, bitter sweet, withered lush. Waving to say goodbye before yesterday called on the former. Back to campus once again, seemed to calm quietly walk yesterday, there is now quiet sighs of yesterday on the road today. Say goodbye, and then people who have never seen slowly disappear into the vastness of the sea. Look at graduation photos, are familiar to those who aren't familiar with the flowers smile, people gradually become blurred. Sad messages transmitted back and forth, the city's sky blue, transparent. Yes from aircraft flying low in schools, has been deafening. In the past, could only lay on the playground, interesting narrow, take a look at the hidden traces of the clouds and long-haul aircraft. And dreams, imagine tomorrow fly to distant horizon. These ideas while there is a lot of love caused a heavy blow; most of these ideas have failed; the idea, while discrediting the ultimate seclusion after the pastoral, like rice and crops, a simple life, but the failure of a series of combat and the recognition of the world! Art life is more beautiful. Last supper party, did not drink, ordered the food table, several men, as long as a few bottles of juice. Get on the swings, recalled after ten years to the very interesting life, imagine the future. Suddenly found his eyes wet with tears. Until evening, received amazing message replies only a meets has to forever, ear of whisper moments haunted Yu mentality, lift up star, Star quietly to no language, Moon hesitant new pan Halo, to has transparent of tender area light dance fly, broad of night summer, Miss, deep, end emotional, in night in, in corner in, tears, sprinkled summer long for someone love of tears drops fuzzy has room, drunk has love of pilgrimage who. City buses began slowly. Slowly from the town. In this city, in the blue sky, clouds float a few vagaries. Curved canal boats back and forth an endless stream of word-formation elements. To put it mildly, on the bridge, occasionally people walk more slowly, gradually became less, and gradually fade away far side of junction of heaven and Earth. In this way, meet again, think about what the most complex forms of life to them, day after day, that forever will come tomorrow. Just from this small town, dispersed and sighs.




