丁乙 “十示2006-14”丙烯 成品布 200cmx140cm 2006 2009-10-10 14:36:35 来源:99艺术网 编译:张明湖 点击:
杰夫昆斯制作的一个52英尺高的气球将在伦敦的考文特花园市场(Covent Garden market)升起,这只巨大的兔子是首次在英国展示。

Giant rabbit halts shoppers at Covent Garden


  The helium-filled artwork was created by one of the world's most bankable artists Jeff Koons and is being shown in the UK for the first time.

  The 52ft-high balloon will be displayed in London's Covent Garden market until Sunday to tie in with the Tate Modern exhibition Pop Life: Art In A Material World, which opened last week.

  Koons, famed for his kitsch sculptures and a series of pornographic images of him and his former porn star wife, modelled the balloon on a 3ft-high stainless steel sculpture Rabbit 1986.

  He created the massive silver balloon for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York in 2007, floating through the city's streets above the crowds.

  The original sculpture and a film of the parade feature in the Tate Modern exhibition, which continues until January 17.



