Lehman Art Sale Draws $1.35 Million 2009-11-03 09:53:04 来源:99艺术网 编译:张明湖 点击:



      An eclectic batch of artworks that once adorned the corporate offices of Lehman Brothers sold for $1.35 million yesterday at Freeman’s Auctioneers in Philadelphia, reports Lindsay Pollock for Bloomberg. While the tally for the 283 lots was almost double the projected total of as much as $760,800, it represented no more than a modest dent in the $250 billion Lehman owes creditors.

      The marathon six-hour sale drew fast-paced bidding and strong prices. The top lot was Roy Lichtenstein’s blue-and-white-striped Statue of Liberty print titled I Love Liberty, 1982, which sold for $49,000, nearly double the $25,000 presale high estimate.

      Other pricey lots included a 1975 primary-colored series of seven Robert Indiana prints called “Polygons.” Expected to fetch no more than $6,000, the set went for $23,750. Arturo Herrera’s Mine, a looping blue-and-white collage, sold for $16,250 to a Venezuelan collector attending his first auction. All the 283 lots sold, and the majority were offered without a minimum price.

      “I think there was a certain amount of trophy hunting,” said Alasdair Nichol, Freeman’s vice chairman and auctioneer, after the sale, noting the presence of former Lehman employees and staffers from other financial companies. “What’s not to like? It’s nice boardroom art, presented nicely, ready to go up on the walls. People lapped it up.”



