预展现场 2009-11-18 17:52:58 来源:99艺术网专稿 编译:张鸿宾 点击:
勒隆画廊(Galerie Lelong)宣布乔米•普伦萨因为公共雕塑而获得2009年Marsh 奖。普伦萨因为他的作品“梦(Dream)”而获奖,巨型艺术雕像“梦(Dream)”,高20米,重4吨,是在英格兰圣海伦的显著的存在。



Jaume Plensa Receives the 2009 Marsh Award for Public Sculpture


  Plensa received the award for his work Dream, which has a distinct presence in St. Helens, England at four tons and 20 meters high. Photo: EFE/J. C. Hidalgo.


  NEW YORK, NY.- Galerie Lelong announced that Jaume Plensa received the 2009 Marsh Award for Public Sculpture. Plensa received the award for his work Dream, which has a distinct presence in St. Helens, England at four tons and 20 meters high. The award is presented annually by the Marsh Christian Trust, in partnership with the Public Monuments & Sculpture Association, to honor contemporary or restored British public sculptures.


  The gallery would also like to congratulate Petah Coyne, Yoko Ono, and Krzysztof Wodiczko for their recent awards.


  On November 4, the CUE Art Foundation, commended Coyne for her "outstanding achievements in sculpture and mixed media installation." In May, Coyne will have a retrospective exhibition at MASS MoCA, the first major monographic show by a female artist in the museum's ten-year history.


  Yoko Ono received the Urban Visionaries Award in Visual Art at the 150th Urban Visionaries Award Dinner and Silent Art Auction at the Cooper Union on November 2.


  The Polish Ministry of Culture recently awarded this year's gold medal of the Gloria Artis Cultural Merit Award to Krzysztof Wodiczko. 2009 has been a significant year for Wodiczko, who participated in the biennials in Venice, Athens, and Liverpool and is currently presenting a solo exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston




