胡武功是谁? 2009-12-01 17:19:45 来源:编译:张鸿宾 点击:
享有盛誉的Aspect 奖项——对于苏格兰艺术家最重要的奖项,也是英国最大的独立投资的艺术奖项之一,这个奖项将会于2010年1月11日在伦敦的招待会上被宣布。


Winner of Award for Scottish Artists to be Announced at the Fleming Collection
Paul Kennedy, ‘Springburn Hopes’.


  LONDON.- The winner of the prestigious Aspect Prize, the premier award for Scottish artists and one of Britain’s largest independently funded art prizes, is to be announced at a reception at The Fleming Collection in London on 11 January 2010. Four of Scotland’s most talented contemporary artists have been shortlisted for the prize and the winner will take away £10,000 in addition to the £5,000 that each of them has already received. Works by the four artists – Patricia Cain, Alec Galloway, Paul Kennedy and Scot Sinclair – will be exhibited for sale at The Fleming Collection from 12-16 January 2010. A painting by the winning artist will be selected for inclusion in The Fleming Collection’s permanent collection.


  It is the first time in The Aspect Prize’s seven-year history that the award ceremony and subsequent exhibition have been held at The Fleming Collection, which began life as a corporate collection and has evolved into the only museum entirely devoted to Scottish art in the United Kingdom. "We are delighted that The Fleming Collection is on board for this year's prize," says Charles Jamieson, chairman and co-founder of the award. “ Not only does it have a pre-eminent collection of Scottish art, it has a wonderful centrally located gallery in London, which is quite different from the commercial gallery spaces in which we have exhibited in previous years. It is a fantastic opportunity for all concerned."


  Selina Skipwith, Keeper of Art at The Fleming Collection, who is a member of The Aspect Prize judging panel, says: “We are delighted to be involved in this important award which encourages contemporary Scottish art. This is in tune with The Fleming Collection’s policy of supporting and buying the work of upcoming Scottish artists.”



