展览现场作品 2010-04-17 17:49:21 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:



  In the preceding works, “To Rebuild Providers” series were created after his studying in the mural painting history in Department of Decoration Art Design, Central Academy of arts and design. From these works, we can figure out that besides of referring to the images of Dunhuang fresco, Xiao Hong endeavored to form a broad space-time concept in limited painting space, and a cultural conversation passing through history. “Here”, “I” am a basic spot in space-time. Yet, the provider, who appears as “supporting role” in the long history of Dunhuang fresco construction, can be considered as recurrence of secular life in each historical period, since it is not restricted by set patterns of Buddha and Bodhisattva and the like. Xiao Hong located them together in an extensive space-time tunnel, and had conversation with them regarding to culture and life noumenon. In the latter series of “A Broad Road toward Sky”, he further abandoned the metaphor method of using Buddha and Bodhisattva as the main portrait representation, instead, he utilized birth, age, sickness, and death, work and rest of “human” as key contents. It does not matter who they are, what they are doing, the essential point is Xiao Hong attempted to convey the message of life continuity and its ultimate value in this series.




  Generally speaking, Xiao Hong’s historic view is “backwards” in the two series above. It is a historical and cultural care for the past human life. Nevertheless, from the aspect of language of drawing, the aesthetic trend of works during these two periods fundamentally tends to be an academic and reserved language exploration. Xiao Hong might have been retained this style and become a stylish painter in official salon-like Aesthetic system, until his creation and life has changed significantly. However, situated in the ”Avant-garde” atmosphere in Binhe community around 2000, he encountered with a changing point of his creation. The intellectual painting language fascinating with historic affection obviously mismatched with the “contemporary” logic here. He frankly acknowledged that he was lost in confusion at that stage. The series of “Bright Sunny Skies” during this period, demonstrated the value of adjustment and transformation in his creation process.




  In the series of “Bright Sunny Skies”, scenes of characters as narrative elements were highly generalized, and character’s facial features were further immaterialized. Till then, mortals in diverse generations appeared in his preceding paintings were replaced with a concise symbol. Each idiographic and individual “He” was symbolized to be a generic referenced “They”. From this standpoint, Xiao Hong’s works at this stage brought value for his future creation, which is character image would not adhere to specific life scene and figure personality, but become a highly condensed and summarized cultural symbol. Consequently, the value of his works at this point is to provide a possibility for his future.
