展览现场 2010-04-17 17:49:21 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:





  “They” and “Non-Life They”


  As mentioned above, the creation process of “Bright Sunny Skies” series was the procedure of Xiao Hong reassessing his previous aesthetic experience in the ambiance of contemporary art around 2000. Therefore, the children’s image without facial trait in this series can be interpreted as a concreted image of his own confusion and shifting process. Nevertheless, if we integrate his previous and subsequent creation style using this moment as an intermediate point, and to make analysis, Xiao Hong precisely make use of it as turning point and completed his transformation from an intuitional life experience to introspective culture criticism.




  In the “Intellectual Youth” series from 2003 till now, character’s facial image was magnified to occupy the entire space in portrait. In the mean time, their facial expression and countenance feature were weakened. They were converted into a symbolized “They” who could be found at any moment in history as well as appear in the present. In this series, “They” is a carrier and a container. While what appears as “secondary expression” feature is another symbol, which are those cultural fragments in the past historic moments. At that point, Xiao Hong accomplished his transformation from a person who cherished cultural memory to a cultural criticizer, which is exactly a significant indication that his works possessed contemporary art characteristics from then on.
