愤怒的球——奥里特•阿瑟瑞 2010-06-08 16:21:30 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:





  展览名称: 愤怒的球

  策展人: 席 宇

  展览时间: 2010年6月12日——7月19日

  开幕时间: 2010年6月12日 下午3-6点 现场互动表演

  参展艺术家: 奥里特·阿瑟瑞


  Title: Raging Balls

  Curator: Xi Yu

  Date: June 12th – July 12th, 2010

  Opening: 3-6 pm, June 12th, 2010 Live interactive performance

  Artists: Oreet Ashery




  Raging Balls asks how should artists and audiences deal with politics, increased state control and real life, as insiders and outsiders, and how we are experiencing rage today.


  Ashery started to think about Raging Balls after she witnessed three policemen using unnecessary force against a person who had nothing on him, as part of a ‘Stop and Search’ procedures. Influenced by Giorgio Agamben’s influential work Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (1998), Raging Balls is about being a biological body, as opposed to a body with rights, outside the law. Palestinians under the Israeli occupation, are a good example of the homo Sacer, they are controlled by the state, yet, there are no laws to protect them, or even consider them citizens.


  Raging Balls talks about the complex relationships between increased global state control and security apparatuses, and the illusion that art can somehow protect us from this. In a schizophrenic manner Raging Balls also talks about the art world’s obsession with reality, war and conflicts. Political art comes under scrutiny in an ambiguous manner.


  Raging Balls asks how should artists deal with politics and real life as insiders and outsiders.
