Chen Wen Hua 2012-09-07 15:03:29 来源:99艺术网 作者:文字:立东 采访:李裕君 点击:


99 Art Web:Each woman faced challenges of society, such as survival, daily life. From humanity and feminity angle, could you talk about your creating works?



Cui Xiuwen:Firstly, I won't create works like my previous works, such as Lady's. Not only for my maturing age, but for my changing focus on issues. I have moved my focus away from female issues, especially their survival status. Throughout my career of art and my life, the most important and valuable female issue to me up to now, is constructed by three aspects, freedom, independence, and spiritual concerns. That's the principle one. Without the three, any other rights or welfare are all superficial. Once the three were constructed completely, any others would be readily solved. It could be simply concerned as cancers in our body, and likewise cancers, the most effective way to heal is to resect, but never merely apply medical stuff on its surface.

By now, I concern much about constructive thought. For arriving here, I experienced from physical to psychological then into spiritual creation phases. I need to go further within spiritual space. In such space, how to explore it by perspectives of artist? How to perceive it of which no human kind had viewed? That is my concern before everything. With so many years, Chinese contemporary artists tried to demonstrate their works in an international context of contemporary arts. Our government also purposed the idea which was particularly reflected in their slogan, "Out of Asia, Into the world". Actually, the western society had had their own system of art, what could our artists cope with when we march into them? We all group members of the whole contemporary art of the world. At this point, go out of China or Asia is meaningless. But the structure of the international contemporary art will vary, develop and beyond, that requires us have a long-term concern. How we deepen our thought into reaching the most advanced field of all human beings? And if we could surmount the limitation? That is the thing our artists need to handle with, not only for Chinese, but for all of human kinds. Nowadays, people always mentioned China as a special case in internationalization context, that's kind of unilateral. As a member of human beings, we need to think about what contributions we can devote to our kind. That's the question above all. To answer it, you need to set down the ideological bound first.


99 Art Web:You mentioned freedom, independence and spiritual concerns. Did we ever own these features? Or are you advocating a new form of freedom, independence and spiritual concerns?


Cui Xiuwen:In my opinion, during our historical process, all those issues that we might face today also challenged our ancestries ever before, just defined differently by their times. Well, in most recent 100 years, we all know what happened exactly. We might bear a huge loss, in natural, in cultural, in historical, or even more in humanistic. How could we get a recovery? The recovery actually would be much helpful to reconstruct our society, our country, even our kinds. Well, history is indeed, that unchangeable fact impacted us and could never be removed. Like advocating slogans, that means nothing to substantial matter, but lots of people engaged in it. We could ascribe everything to historical problems in our society. Not females alone, males are too suffer. How we stand on the earth as an entirely independent person? A completely constructive spirit is the basic thing. Construct of spirit includes many aspects, such as culture, manner, thought on historical background or understanding to societies, and knowledge and professional skills what I mentioned before, that's quite a synthesis of all things together. As being exist as a natural person, we need to be responsible to ourselves and the world. You have your measurements, standards, and values, after then you will make sound in your own voice. That's an independent person what I mean. Everyone should do like that. If they did, we would get a much better society in the future.


99 Art Web:From Angel in 2006 to Existential Emptiness in 2009, what appears by your works was a consecutive explore in spiritual space. While in the circle of Chinese contemporary art, you were well-known by avant-garde. How could you abide by this avant-guard explore?


Cui Xiuwen:It's fairly well to apply the word avant-garde in contemporary art field. But we should wonder how many artists deserve this title. Personal speaking, those titles or something like them, is actually a measurement of how far away human thought would reach, so does our spiritual space and conscious space. You live at present, you are contemporary. If you leap over present, you are a bit avant-guard. If you far beyond present, you could be the leading role of our epoch. That couldn't be measured by merely years. You may consider of Lao Zi, nothing could surpass his mind. How many years his thought had beyond our time? No one answers, and no way to count. So did Marcel Duchamp. I subject to admit that there's meaningless to compare with those two. But that submit they have achieved is exactly every artist who are so-called avant-guard should move toward.
