展览现场一角赏析 2012-09-07 15:03:29 来源:99艺术网 作者:文字:立东 采访:李裕君 点击:


99 Art Web:How your personality affects your works?


Cui Xiuwen:It's kind of a difficulty to make clear. Because I'm afraid the person we know least is just ourselves. My life is also an adventure to find and know more about myself. Create works, just like withdraw ideas and spirits from your bodies. That based on your integrated spiritual construct. Such as your feelings reflected toward the world, your perceiving of life. Those things are individual, but sometimes it's hard for us to find the individualities. You may say you are such a person of this or that. But that's not true. When you define yourself as a kind of person, its opposite will appear in your mind with no intervals. Then you change your definition, but all of them have their opposites. Eventually, you would never have a certain answer of who are you. Human being is indeed a sophisticated creature. As I said just now, we existed in the universe in forms of uncertainty. The only thing can be sure is, you suffer a life, and that's same to all kinds. But the length of each is different. And personalities are various in each person in each time. No one could sure of what human kind you are look like. As a part of humanistic construct, maybe that could be sure to some extend, such if you are a temperate person, and maybe you could be temperate forever, that's your disposition, but not all of yourself. Up to now, I think no one dare to claim he or she know who he or she is, and all features of a person could never be concluded in one word or one sentence.


99 Art Web:Could we make such understanding: the process you were conceiving or exploring was also a process you tried to find yourself?


Cui Xiuwen:Of course it is. But self-discovery only took a part. The much more important thing is we need to view this world by our eyes, and to perceive it by all our organs even pores. The scientists said to us, apparent materials that we can observe only make up to 4% of the whole universe. Actually the rest of 96% was made up by dark matters that even unseeable to us. It's wrong if we think we can see all the things of this world. Typically to art and science field, if you could discover even if a tiny thing out of the 4% material ,you would be the most prominent person in this world.








99 Art Web:In much of you photography, you add typical Chinese element in them, such as Chinese theatre, ancient instrument, or traditional landscape paintings. How these elements combinate with your creations?


Cui Xiuwen:That's a good question. As my peer artists in our generation, they said we are a connection between the preceding and the following. But actually we are suspend in a cultural vacuum. We indeed lack of accumulations of our traditional culture. Since we set exploring the future as our commission and goals, we need to derive nutrition from our long standing cultures, centuries-old histories and even popular cultures at present.  


99 Art Web:Compared to video works, did your photography develop some different ways of expressing? In other word, is there any different in conceptional express between video works and photography in spite of forms?


Cui Xiuwen:That's another good point. You really have a way to ask questions. During my creation, oil painting, photography and video are all my expressing ways, but in different channels. I find them in totally different after my perceiving and concluding 20-years experience on contemporary arts.They have no crosses, but all of three are my origin power engines. These three to me are like roots to plants, they spread out to different orientations, and deeply grip the silt, as if take root in my mind. What stemmed from them is the trunk to the tree, and this trunk can be seen as a form of my existence. Forms are roots, me is the trunk, and works are branches.
