作品评论(Praise for Fu Yuxiang’s Painti
0条评论 2009-12-01 15:35:44 来源:99艺术网专稿 作者:-








  As a dedicated artist, Fu Yuxiang tends to produce those images that arouse a nightmare-like sensation, among which I personally like his Wood Sprite series. He has been able to find a form of meaning among his works by refreshingly and poetically combining the shapes of tree branches and roots with the form of female bodies. The source of these images more or less has a bearing with Ficus virens in Chongqing, which as the city tree of the municipality usually exposes its complicatedly twisted roots with intercrossing branches on the verge of cliffs, thus creating unusual morphological features. Having perceived the similarity of organisms, Fu Yuxiang successfully originated his own form of painting, which also reveals the artist’s commitment to his artistic creation.


  From Wang Lin’s Preface,


  written at Taohua Hill, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts,


  on May 15th, 2004



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