CIEG2011项目MAPPING ASIA推出16位亚洲年轻艺术家个 2011-04-21 15:31:59 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
通过博览会的国际平台展现艺术发展的未来性是CIGE自始至今的主旨之一。CIGE传统艺术项目MAPPING ASIA——亚洲年轻艺术家个展将继续成为CIGE 2011引人关注的组成部分。当代唐人艺术中心、现在画廊、杨画廊、山艺术空间等12家画廊,带来十六位年轻艺术家新近作品

曾朴 2010

  曾朴Zeng Pu

  参展画廊Gallery :


  Soemo Fine Arts


  Lives and works in Cheng Du, China




  曾朴似乎生活在一个远离江湖烦扰,充斥着个人情感和想象的世界中。他的生活方式及其简化,但他的作品却异常细腻丰富。这些作品可以说都是他个人想象的呈现。这是一个为画画而生的 人。他心思极细,手极巧。细节,是曾朴作品的生命。上帝就在细节中,他深谙此道。他的画作呈水平之态,但不是全平,与海平面略微有角度,被稀释的颜料就在画布的角度中或凝聚,或散开,浸润,流淌,火候控制得极好,使画面时而像水彩,时而像油画,于混沌中突现机锋,与平涂中微显沟壑,收放自如。


  对于他自己的作品,曾朴是这样描述的:“我是用绘画来表现一些片段的,零碎的瞬间,有来自现实生活的,也有来自幻想的部分,图像资源有自拍的,有来自报刊,网络和任意改编的,在每张画上我希望能画出“感觉”,能注入当时的体验,每张作品都很小,很多没有背景,他们可以随意组合也可以单独呈现,就像在我们心里的 一些记忆,失望,回避和向望,它们会冷不丁的出现又消失,再出现再消失,我想让它们随意的排放在洁白的墙上,三三两两漂浮在洁白的空间里,就像在心里,对了这些作品就叫:HEART,我突然觉得这些好像和青春有关吧 ……”


  Zeng Pu,who are the big winner of “2010 Annual Art Prize” in the “First New Star Art Festival” in Chengdu for his “Heart” series.Zeng Pu was born in Xichang, Sichuan and graduated with a master degree from the Oil Department of Chengdu Fine Art Academy of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Sichuan in 2007. He lives and works currently in Chengdu. Zeng Pu lives in a world, which is strongly influenced by his emotions and inner imagination. He is known to have simplified his lifestyle to an extreme basic level. Compared with his lifestyle, his paintings are highly exquisite and colorful. He paints images that are emerging from his personal imagination.


  Zeng Pu is a man born to paint. Painting is his life. He understands deeply that perfection lies in the details. He often uses an angle, which resembles a sea level or a distant horizon. The diluted paint is condensed, dispersed and infiltrated and captures the features of both watercolor and oil painting. The characters in the painting come out of the white void – is it the deep imagination of his heart? – and float in a space that is not defined by frames.


  This is how Zeng Pu describes his work in his own words.


  “I want to use my paintings to describe some fragmental moments, some of which are from the real life, some are in my imagination, and some are from the newspaper, Internet or self- photography. I hope I can draw my “feelings” on each picture. All my works are pretty small. They don’t have any background. You can combine the small paintings together randomly, or just show the painting independently. I call this series of work “HEART”, since these images are floating in white blank spaces by twos or threes, just like the characters in our heart, we sometimes feel disappointed or are running away or longing, they could suddenly appear or disappear in our memory.”


  图片说明 Caption

  曾朴Zeng Pu

  心(组合)Heart (set)

  2010 - 2011

  布面油画 Oil on Canvas


  Lots of small works together

