CIGE2012 特别展览 MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺 2012-03-21 16:28:06 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
CIGE2012特别展览MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺术家个展详细资料。

陈蔚Chen Wei《 审虫记-贝克 Shells 》

陈蔚Chen Wei《 审虫记-贝克 Shells 》

陈卓 Chen Zhuo《双子之一 Gemini No.1 》

陈卓 Chen Zhuo《双子之一 Gemini No.1 》


杨画廊 Gallery Yang(北京 Beijing)


画廊介绍 Gallery Introduction:




Gallery Yang is the first as well as the largest fine arts institution founded in Sanlitun Village.The entering of this gallery opens a new situation of Chinese gallery field. It makes the gallery market even the whole art market proceed to a more urbanised, commercialized and high-end form. This process is an inevitable evolution, inducing the people to be more close to contemporary arts, breaking the definition of what is an art district, and raising traditional commerce to art. As the CEO of the gallery said: ”Under the macroscopic background of our time, contemporary art should stop its self-admiration, and come down to the people. In the same way, people shall be more confident of art admiration and approach art affairs more consciously. The place we start makes it possible to free us from mode of thinking in the traditional art district, and to explore a more Chinese and more commercialize way for the development of art market.


CIGE 2012 参展艺术家 Exhibited Artists:


陈蔚Chen Wei ,1980年出生于中国四川自贡;现生活和工作于中国重庆 (Lives and works in Chongqing, China)。


陈卓 Chen Zhuo,1986年出生于中国北京;现生活和工作于中国北京( Lives and works in Beijing, China)。


图片说明 Caption:



陈蔚Chen Wei《 审虫记-贝克 Shells 》2011纸上水彩 Watercolor on Paper 62.5x82.5 cm




陈卓 Chen Zhuo《双子之一 Gemini No.1 》2012木板油画 Oil on Wooden Panel 45x45x2 cm


杨画廊  提供 Courtesy of Gallery Yang



