CIGE2012 特别展览 MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺 2012-03-21 16:28:06 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
CIGE2012特别展览MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺术家个展详细资料。

《闪存#9 Flash Memory#92011》

《闪存#9 Flash Memory#92011》


H.T.画廊H.T.Gallery(北京 Beijing)


画廊介绍 Gallery Introduction:




H.T.Gallery was established in November 2009 in Beijing 798 Art District, the 80sqm area offers a clear and unadulterated exhibition space, the director is Mr. Han Tsungwoo, who was the curator for O Gallery of Ogilvy & Mather, from 9th Sep 2005 when he curated the first exhibition for O Gallery, Mr. Han had never ceased to discover artists that represented the future, up till May 2009, O Gallery had witnessed its 8th exhibition. Mr. Han is also a well-known photographer and Art Consultant, H.T.Gallery aims to advocate the spirit of Fine Art and at the same time, explore the works of young Chinese artists from across the straits, we enjoy excellent cooperation relationship with emerging artists/groups such as: Unmask, Guo Hongwei, Liang Yuanwei, Hu Xiaoyuan, Song Kun. Every year, H.T. Gallery will host 6 high quality exhibitions, the platform resources of H.T. Gallery will be dedicated to the artists and their artworks while encouraging new ways of cultural exchange. H.T. Gallery will dedicate its spaces to new dialogue and advancement.


CIGE 2012 参展艺术家 Exhibited Artists:


Unmask(刘展、谭天伟、匡峻,出生于中国;现生活和工作于中国北京(Lives and works in Beijing, China)。


Flash Memory系列是“半透明”作品的延续。旨在不同范畴中我们所能承载的时间和记忆。该系列沿袭了传统雕塑语言,却与以往雕塑不同的是当我们习惯性地寻找雕塑的最佳视角时,他们的作品却在各个角度发挥着空间上的最大张力。


"Flash Memory" series is the extension version of "translucent" series, to depict the time and memory that we could hold in different fields. Based on the form of traditional sculpture though, the art works are able to deliver tension force on each angle of the space, when we chronically try to find the best sight of it.


图片说明 Caption:


Unmask(刘展、谭天伟、匡峻)《闪存#9 Flash Memory#92011》不锈钢 stainless steel 180x234x98cm


H.T.画廊 提供 Courtesy of H.T.Gallery



