CIGE2012 特别展览 MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺 2012-03-21 16:28:06 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
CIGE2012特别展览MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺术家个展详细资料。

《红金 FORTUNEÉ NOËL 胡同-5 Hutong-5》 2011 树脂玻璃 Plexiglas127 x 105

《红金 FORTUNEÉ NOËL 胡同-5 Hutong-5》 2011 树脂玻璃 Plexiglas127 x 105 

《红金 FORTUNEÉ NOËL 抽象-5 Abstract-5》2012 树脂玻璃 Plexiglas 115 x 115

《红金 FORTUNEÉ NOËL 抽象-5 Abstract-5》2012 树脂玻璃 Plexiglas 115 x 115 

babù泛视觉空间 (babù space 深圳 Shenzhen)


画廊介绍 Gallery Introduction:


巴布畫廊,設立於華僑城OCT藝術區北區的專業藝術機構,致力於將概念視覺與當代藝術的結合與推廣。作為此理念的承續,babu畫廊分為babu gallery與babu space兩部分, babu gallery側重於當代架上藝術的推介,而space部分則涵蓋了街頭文化,設計,裝置,影像等當代先鋒藝術的諸多方面,並積極促進國際間藝術交流。


Babu Art Co. Ltd is a professional art institution located in the North District of OCT Art Zone. It is committed to the connection and generalization of concept art and contemporary art. So it now consists of “Babu Gallery” and “Babu Space” as an inheritance of the above mentioned orientation. Babu Gallery is concerned with dissemination of contemporary art on shelf. Babu Space covers a wild range of contemporary fashionable arts like Street culture, design, installation and video, and it has been promoting the international art intercommunication.


CIGE 2012 参展艺术家 Exhibited Artists:


红金FORTUNEÉ NOËL,1975年出生于法国,现生活和工作于中国北京(Lives and works in Beijing, China)。




The mutations experienced by the modern urban landscapes and the concept of transparency were central in Fortunée Noël’s earliest works produced in China. Noël’s representation of unaccomplished skyscrapers and their thousand reflections were a testimony of the increasing use of transparent materials in modern architecture - a true revolution in a city like Beijing where opacity means a lot.In her new works, gold and silver pigments are dominant. The old Beijing - even though submitted to an irrepressible evolution - appears more than ever like mummified in a precious sarcophagus, summing up Noël’s last show: splendid, with no regrets.


图片说明 Caption:


《红金 FORTUNEÉ NOËL 胡同-5 Hutong-5》 2011 树脂玻璃 Plexiglas127 x 105 


《红金 FORTUNEÉ NOËL 抽象-5 Abstract-5》2012 树脂玻璃 Plexiglas 115 x 115 



