CIGE2012 特别展览 MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺 2012-03-21 16:28:06 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
CIGE2012特别展览MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺术家个展详细资料。

《福尔摩斯的秘密20120412  Sherlock Holmes' Secret 20120412》

《福尔摩斯的秘密20120412  Sherlock Holmes' Secret 20120412》

《环形铁路的冬天-3 The Winter of the Circular Railway-3 》

《环形铁路的冬天-3 The Winter of the Circular Railway-3 》


禾木空間 Hemuse Gallery(北京Beijing)


画廊介绍 Gallery Introduction:




Hemuse Gallery, established in 2011, is a professional gallery which aims to promote the finest contemporary Chinese Art. As a young art institution,the gallery is an open space which not only provides artists a platform to show their high quality works, but also cares about the development of contemporary art and young artists’ growing, the gallery is trying its best to build a platform for free exchange and discussion on contemporary art.


Hemuse Gallery, located in Beijing International Art Plaza, Baiziwan, adjacent to Today Art Museum. The exhibition hall is divided into two floors, which covers an area of about 200 square meters.


CIGE 2012 参展艺术家 Exhibited Artists:


Guest,2011年出生于中国;现生活和工作于中国北京,上海,杭州 Lives and works in China Beijing, Shanghai,Hangzhou






Sherlock Holmes's Secret is a cooperative project innovated by 5 artists. They will revision the booth which is only 6m*6m, meanwhile, they will create several visualized works, which would bring the audience sense the art works without any rhyme.


Included Works: one sculpture, lightbox with film; one sculpture, oil on canvas; some one, lightbox installation; one man-installation (One man would dress up like Holmes, he would unclasp and show the audience the wired art works inside.)


刘晓辉 Liu Xiaohui,1975年出生于中国;现生活和工作于中国北京(Lives and works in Beijing, China)。


图片说明 Caption:




Guest《福尔摩斯的秘密20120412  Sherlock Holmes' Secret 20120412》 2012 灯箱喷绘,菲林片装置,绘画,活动装Lightbox Printing , Films Installation, Drawing, Man-Installation




刘晓辉 Liu Xiaohui 《环形铁路的冬天-3 The Winter of the Circular Railway-3 》2011 木板坦培拉 Egg tempera on board, 30x40cm


禾木空間提供 Courtesy of Hemuse Gallery



