CIGE2012 特别展览 MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺 2012-03-21 16:28:06 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
CIGE2012特别展览MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺术家个展详细资料。

《有着丙烯酸树脂表面的作品2012.02.16  The work with acrylic resin surface 2012.02.16 》

《有着丙烯酸树脂表面的作品2012.02.16  The work with acrylic resin surface 2012.02.16 》


Frantic Gallery(东京Tokyo)


画廊介绍 Gallery Introduction:


Frantic画廊由宫崎康寿先生创建于2007年,画廊建立之初名为“Frantic艺术工程”,位于紧邻东京银座的日本桥区,尽管当时与一众已有一定实力基础的日本画廊比邻,Frantic很快就明白:它与其有着相当不同的专业发展路线。Frantic倾向于能够紧握世界艺术史语境的艺术,而绝不支持任何与流行风尚与流行文化的相关联的shown art; 它更执迷于有独立视角和独立思想的艺术家们。2010年,“Frantic艺术工程”更名为Frantic画廊。显而易见,Frantic并不愿意支持那些表达当代“日本风格”或者“异国情调”的艺术,而是坚持推荐那些有着个人价值观念的艺术家们。目前,画廊有明确的展览项目策略并为Frantic艺术家们的国际认知度而不懈奋斗。


Frantic Gallery was founded by Yasunobu Miyazaki in 2007 and was originally named "art project frantic". The first "frantic" location was in Nihonbashi district of Tokyo close to Ginza area, but in spite of its proximity to conglomerate of established Japanese galleries Frantic has shortly understood that it has rather different professional path.It shows art that can be grasped in the context of world art history; in no way it supports any links of shown art with fashionable trends or popular culture; it attract artists with individual views and independent thinking. In 2010 "art project frantic" was renamed in "Frantic Gallery". It became evident that Frantic is not willing to support contemporary "japonism" or "exoticism" of presented artworks, but insist on personal values of its artists. At the moment the gallery has clear strategy for exhibition program and struggles for international recognition of Frantic Artists.


CIGE 2012 参展艺术家 Exhibited Artists:


田附楠人Cousteau Tazuke ,1982年出生于日本大阪;现生活和工作于日本(Lives and works in Tsukinode, Japan)。


田附楠人雕刻透明亚克力板,将酸性颜料注入那些已成形的孔中,然后将它们的背面展示于人。 通过这种方式,艺术家颠覆了图片中对立的正反两面——积极的与消极的:旁观者立于画面的背面通过透明丙烯酸树脂将会看到五颜六色的物质。楠人通过他对结构和拓扑二维艺术的实验提出一种完全不同的表现传统艺术的方法。他模糊了雕刻与绘画之间的界限:雕塑艺术和绘画艺术之间的界限。

Cousteau Tazuke carves into clear acrylic panels, pours acid-colored paint in the resulting cavities and then exhibits these works backwards. In this way the artist subverts the opposition of the front and the rear -- the positive and negative -- of the picture: the onlooker faces the back of the painting seeing colorful substances through transparent acrylic resin. Tazuke proposes a radically different approach to traditional fine art through his experimentation regarding the structure and topology of two-dimensional art. He erases the borderline between carving and painting: the art of sculpture and that of painting.


图片说明 Caption:


田附楠人Cousteau Tazuke 《有着丙烯酸树脂表面的作品2012.02.16  The work with acrylic resin surface 2012.02.16 》2012 丙烯酸树脂/醇酸涂料/丙烯酸涂料/木头/尿烷acrylic resin/alkyd paint/acrylic paint/wood/urethane  150x150x7 cm


Frantic Gallery 提供 Courtesy of Frantic Gallery



