CIGE2012 特别展览 MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺 2012-03-21 16:28:06 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
CIGE2012特别展览MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺术家个展详细资料。

 《舞姬自然 Dancer in nature》

《舞姬自然 Dancer in nature》

《Fiber 》

《Fiber 》


SUN Contemporary(首尔Seoul)


画廊介绍 Gallery Introduction:


Gallery SUN contemporary,founded in 2005,is an affiliate of Sun Gallery,which was founded in 1977.Gallery Sun contemporary is located in Sogyeok-dong,arecongnized center of culture and art in Seoul,Korea. Since its beginning,Gallery SUN contemporary has focused on introducing and promoting the contemporary works of international art community,and building a bridge of communication between the artists and audience. Just as postmodernism is deeply rooted in its predecessor,modernism,Gallery SUN contermporary is rooted in Sun Gallery and was established and influenced by the traditional Korean Art community. Gallery SUN Contemporary looks to bring a wide range of creative diversity and depth of contemporary art from around the world to Seoul and vice versa. Representing artists from both Korean and abroad,exhibitions have included a myriad media of modern and contemporary art:painting,sculpture,photagraphy,installtion,video art.


代理艺术家 Represented Artists:


Sun-Mi Shin, Gil-Woo Lee, Young-Mi Shin, Michael Miller, Yu-Jin Kang,Sang-Woo Koh, Ji-Hyun Jeong, Young-Wook Choi, San-Keum Koh,Changha Hwang, Gyung-Min Kim, So-Hee Cho, Sang-Hyun Lee,Vio Choe, Jun-Seok Mo, Sang-Won Lee


CIGE 2012 参展艺术家 Exhibited Artists:


Shinji Ohmaki

李吉雨Gil-Woo Lee

Vio Choi

Young-Wook Choi

Young-Mi Shin

Gyung-Min Kim

Sung-Myung Chun

Sun-Gu Ki

Changha Hwang,1969年出生于韩国;现生活和工作于美国纽约(Lives and works in New York, USA).


While the climate of contemporary art today lie on shape, form and narrative, artist Hwang Chang-ha has persistently engrossed himself in creating works that incline towards abstraction. Hwang has been creating works that stress the formalistic qualities such as line, shape and experimental color rather than a realistic representation. The vocabulary of Hwang’s work stem from Islamic tile pattern, traditional Jewish paper cuts, Venetian lace and more are composed in uniform structures with lines and shapes to construct a unique image. Hwang states,“I am not interested in making paintings that have traditional sense of clear divisions of figure and ground. I want to make a painting monotopical rather than discursive. I am going for the objecthood of the colors in painting. "Hwang’s works demonstrate diverse colors that create abstract shapes constructing a three-dimensional space which is complex yet in order on top of a flat surfaced canvas.


图片说明 Caption:


李吉雨 Gil-Woo Lee《舞姬自然 Dancer in nature》 2009 Indian ink, soldering iron, coating on Korean paper170 X 130 cm


Changha Hwang 《Fiber 》2008 Acrylic on canvas 244x188cm


SUN Contemporary 提供(Courtesy of SUN Contemporary)


